News & Events

Below you will find the latest announcements, pictures and information about current and upcoming school events as well as relevant articles about our school that have appeared in newspapers and other media.

Latest GISS News

Tuesday, 23 May 2023


IA (Internal Assessment) Week was an intensive week of learning for our Year12 students as they worked around the clock to complete their Science experiments, ensuring to gather enough workable data for their chosen exploration. The students also worked with their teachers to refine their data and calculations in Maths,...
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Sunday, 30 Apr 2023


In the final week of Term 1, Years 11 and 12 IB visual art students visited the ART EXPRESS exhibition at the AGNSW. The first ever ARTEXPRESS exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales was held in 1983. The exhibition is still going strong, and it is often...
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Friday, 14 Apr 2023


For the first time, the Goethe-Institut invited everyone to enjoy German culture in all its diversity at their premises at Woollahra. GISS was also celebrating the day and offered activities for young and old including a “Lese & Bastelstunde” and an information stand. The highlight was the performance of our...
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Friday, 10 Mar 2023

World-class German violinist visits GISS

GISS was very excited to welcome world-class German violinist, Viktoria Kaunzner, to perform and share her amazing artistry with us. Primary students and our GISS String Ensemble members were treated to a multi-media presentation, with Viktoria playing live to her own video recording of herself performing with her Universal Korean Organic...
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Thursday, 23 Feb 2023

NAPLAN - GISS Top 3 on Northern Beaches

GISS has been ranked as one of the top three Primary and Secondary schools on the Northern Beaches, according to the latest NAPLAN data (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) released by acara, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting authority. GISS also remains in the top 100 schools in NSW...
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Monday, 20 Feb 2023

2023 GISS Athletics carnival

What a fabulous day for our annual Athletics Carnival! The day was full of color, spirit, fun, and athletic competition. Events like these don't happen without the full commitment of our students, staff, and parents who all chipped in to do their part. Kudos to Herr Pfannenmüller for manning the...
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Wednesday, 15 Feb 2023

Congratulations to our Class of 2022!

Congratulations to our Class of 2022! All our graduates from the Class of 2022 who applied to study in Australia this year have received their 1st preferences for university placement at USYD, UNSW, UTS, Macquarie, ANU, Newcastle & Bond. Some of our graduates are applying for universities in Germany, Sweden, the USA and...
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Friday, 10 Feb 2023

Please help the people of Türkiye & Syria

Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones, to those who have been injured, and to everyone around the world who is impacted by this tragic event. Urgent donations are needed. Please join us in donating to: Save The Children or any other humanitarian agency of your choice....
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Wednesday, 01 Feb 2023

Celebrating 30 Years at GISS

This month we celebrate Frau Clark who has been a part of our GISS family for 30 years! Congratulations on achieving this milestone with us! We know you have worked so hard over the years to help make GISS what it is today and we truly appreciate your dedication....
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