News & Events

Below you will find the latest announcements, pictures and information about current and upcoming school events as well as relevant articles about our school that have appeared in newspapers and other media.

Latest GISS News

Friday, 25 Sep 2020

IB Art Exhibition

As part of our IB showcase, our visual art students Paula, Larissa and Izaac from Year 12 presented a stunning art exhibition which transformed our reception into an art gallery.  The exhibition was officially opened by our Principal Lorenz Metzger, IB Art Teacher, Nicola Hartley and our Head of Senior...
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Friday, 25 Sep 2020

Musical AG Show

The little stars of our Theatre AG were shining as much as the newly renovated hall where this year's musical performance took place. The first rehearsals started in Term 1, followed by a break in Term 2 during off-campus learning and then continued in Term 3. Unfortunately, due to Covid...
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Thursday, 06 Aug 2020

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words

During the working from home phase in Semester 1, Year 8 embarked on a photography project. The students were asked to carry out various practical, research and written tasks and looked at the work of iconic photographers via online galleries and museums. As part of this project, the students were...
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Monday, 03 Aug 2020

New GISS Board

There were a few changes within the Board at the recent GISS AGM, with Graham Lello stepping down from his position as Treasurer which he had held for over 6 years. Hansjoerg Knieling is taking over this role and two new board members were elected: Nicole Bruell and Julia Erben, who will look...
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Tuesday, 07 Jul 2020

75 Years UN - ​What are your wishes for the year 2045?

Our GISS students answered this question along with other international students from around the world as part of the initiative from the United Nations called „UN75 – 2020 und danach"...  --- Die Zeitschrift „Die Zeit“ hat zusammen mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung Schüler dazu aufgerufen,anlässlich des 75. Jahrestages der UN...
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Tuesday, 30 Jun 2020

Meet the new SRC members!

The Student Representative Council (SRC) were elected by the students of GISS at the end of Term 2 2020. Currently the team consists of Rosie McCoy, Nuhaa Heitz, Miabella Quirk, Dior Lucia and Kevin Nguyen who are pictured here with liaison teachers Nicola Hartley and Kate Rouvray. Their main tasks are to...
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Tuesday, 23 Jun 2020

Winter Holiday Challenge

The Sustainability team is still hard at work to find ways to reduce the environmental footprint of our community. Here is our next Sustainability Holiday Challenge.  Take our Palm Oil Survey  and complete the Palm Oil Home Hunt Checklist (download here)
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Wednesday, 17 Jun 2020

STEM Education Summit 2020

Our friends at Tech Explorations have been working on a new virtual summit dedicated to STEM Education and our Preschool Educators Silke Bethke, John Nyagah and Catherine Squire Blatti will be presenting on how to support families of young children through STEM education. The Summit will go "live" on Saturday,...
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Monday, 04 May 2020

Manly Daily reports GISS Secondary students come 2nd in NAPLAN tests

Northern beaches NAPLAN 2020: How your high school rates New NAPLAN data shows four public schools have made it into the northern beaches’ top 10 this year. See where your secondary school came in the full list of 1 to 21 and where they are placed in the NSW league...
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